
Sunday, June 29, 2014

His name was Jonathan

            Today we are holding each baby a little closer.
            This morning as we were working in Kelly's House, Chelsea and Taylor, an intern that we met here, walked into the shelter that we take the kids to watch movies every now and then. They stopped in their tracks when they saw a little white casket laying on a table in the middle of the room. They turned around and came into the room that Hannah and I were in with tears running down their faces and told us that someone had passed away. Immediately Hannah and I went into panic mode and wanted to know answers right away. I felt like I was going to throw up. I wanted to know who it was and how it happened and get all of the answers but I was so in shock that I could not even move. Did we not feed a child properly or give them the right medication yesterday? I wanted to know who it was and why.
              Eventually I get the courage to get up and walk to the shelter. Well, they weren't lying. Laying right in the middle of the room was the tiniest casket that I have ever seen. This is what I was most terrified of seeing while I am here. I stood there, probably three yards from the casket and began to pray. I still did not know who was in the casket or why they were not here on this earth anymore but I prayed. Hannah and Chelsea came over a few minutes later and we all stood there speechless. One of the workers that worked in the kitchen beside the shelter seemed to be very upset. I wanted to pray with her.
                Standing two feet away from the small white casket we got in a tiny circle and laid our hands on the young worker and began to pray. After we prayed, the woman told us that his name was Jonathan. He was 5 years old and was rescued a few months ago. He suffered from malnutrition and a skull injury which he went through two different surgeries for.
                 When we were done talking to the worker we saw that Jonathan's nanny and another older woman were sitting near his casket crying. We made our way over there and laid our hands on both of them and prayed. We made sure they knew that Jonathan was now in heaven with Jesus and that he is not hurting anymore. When the prayer ended we gave each of them a hug and our sincere condolences. As we were walking away I glanced in that tiny little casket and saw the little boy that used to be on this earth with us but that is now in heaven.
               Please keep Jonathan's family in your prayers along with the workers that took care of him.


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